Commercial Solar Pool Heating
Pool Heating Panel Systems For Hotel, Community Center, Condo Association, etc.
Solar pool heaters for commercial pools can greatly reduce your monthly swimming pool heating costs. Traditional pool heating for operations such as a hotel, gym, school, or housing complex means thousands of dollars in continuing energy costs. Installing a solar pool heating system can greatly reduce – or even eliminate – these high overhead expenses. Furthermore, gas and electricity prices are constantly on the rise. Solar energy will always remain free, making it the perfect investment for your business. Our USA-made, SRCC-certified solar pool heating solutions are available for chlorine and salt pools, and we offer solar pool systems for both indoor and outdoor pools.
See Solar Pool Heater Contractor Packages / Kits
Also see heat recovery pool heating from air conditioner systems.
Solar pool heating works by using special solar thermal pool heating technologies to harness the sun's heat to warm your pool. Cool pool water is diverted through the solar pool heat system using the existing pool pump. As the water passes through the solar pool system, the water is warmed and then returned back to the pool.
On days when the sun is not available such as during a dark cloudy day, your traditional pool heater can serve as a backup, ensuring your pool is always kept at the desired temperature.
A number of different types of solar collectors can be used for commercial pool heating. Each pool system is looked at individually and a package built to suit your specific application and budget. For outdoor pools we typically use our special Polypropylene solar panels. For indoor pools or year-round pools, we offer an option to use special titanium pool heat exchangers combined with flat panel collectors or evacuated tube collectors. For a customized solution Contact Us today to get started!

Commercial and indoor solar pool heating systems are designed to fit your specific application to get you the best performance and the fastest return on your investment. In most cases, adding a solar pool heater will pay for itself in two to three years when compared to an existing or planned paid-energy solution.
Both year-round and seasonal solar pool heating systems are available for indoor and outdoor pools.
Our expert engineering team can help design your pool heating system to make sure it is perfectly matched to your pool and requirements.
Contact Us See HSE Solar Pool Heater Contractor Kits |
The Most Efficient Certified
Pool Solar Heating Panels

HotSpot Energy Solar Pool Heating Panels Installed at US Recreation Center
Contact Us for more details.
HotSpot Energy Solar Pool Heater

These solar pool heating panels are Buy American Compliant, have been SRCC tested, and are designed for exceptional lifespan and durability. They have the best cool-weather and windy-day performance of any solar pool heating panel.
While there are no tax credits available for pool heating, these collectors have been previously tested by SRCC for performance. We can provide the official SRCC test data upon request.
See why we call them the World's Best Solar Pool Heating Panels.
Also see Heat Recovery Pool Heating From Air Conditioner Systems. |