Pool Heater FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions About the FPH Heat Recovery
Pool Heater
Why is it necessary to heat a swimming pool?
Studies show that most people prefer a swimming pool
to be between 84-86F, about 13F cooler than human
body temperature. As water evaporates from the large
exposed surface area of a pool, a thermodynamic effect
called evaporative cooling occurs. This is where
the vast majority of pool heat loss occurs and it's
the reason why a pool can lose heat even on a hot
sunny day. Of course whenever ambient air temperatures
fall below the pool temperature, convective, conductive
and radiant heat transfer occurs, however since the
temperature delta is minimal this amount is very
small and is usually replaced by solar radiation
so it does not need to be closely calculated. Even
in warm and sunny locations like Key West, Florida,
pools require a heat source nearly all year to remain
at a comfortable temperature due to evaporative cooling. See US Department of Energy pool heating cost data.
Who can use this system?
the system can work with any air conditioner or heat pump up to 5 tons capacity that does not use a variable speed compressor. The FPH can therefore work with >90% of all systems. If you have a variable speed pump let us know so we can advise if you will need to order a relay module for it.
How does the HotSpot FPH heat recovery pool
heater work?
Basically, it’s a geothermal heat exchanger system
added to your normal air conditioner, which allows
the AC to become a water cooled unit when the pool
needs heat and lets the system run normally when the
pool does not need heat. It takes the waste heat that
the AC throws away, and puts it into the pool. The
operation of the AC is improved, electrical draw is
reduced, and the outdoor AC fan unit doesn't need to
run. Heating the pool is free. Here is a high-level

What kind of air conditioner or heat pump will it work with?
We offer standard FPH (free pool heater) systems preconfigured
for 134a, R410a, R322, and R22 AC central AC or heat pump units between 2 and 5
tons utilizing single-stage, single speed compressors. Pretty much all standard AC or heat pump units can be used. Variable speed compressor units can only be used when the FPH is installed by an expert installer that is highly familiar with the customers unit. The variable-speed compressor is not, in itself, the problem, the issue is that this type unit will usually have certain internal communications issues must be resolved by the installer. HotSpot offers only limited installer support on these types of units. We can custom-configure systems for larger air conditioners up to 200 tons or other types of refrigerant.
The FPH pool heating system can also connect to multiple
air conditioners if needed. We can provide FPH for air conditioners and heat pumps. You must tell us if you have a heat pump. For central AC or heat pumps, not for mini-split type. NOT GENERALLY USED FOR VARIABLE SPEED COMPRESSORS - CONTACT US FOR THIS APPLICATION.
What about mini-splits?
Generally we do not support FPH on a mini-split unit. Firstly, these are almost always variable speed and/or communicating units (see above section). Secondly, there is very little working space inside this type unit which can make installation quite difficult. It is possible on larger (>/= 3-tons) mini-split units with a single indoor air handler or head unit however this installation will be more costly and time consuming and could only be done a well qualified installer who is factory certified to repair the particular model used.
How big can my pool be? (or,
How large must my air conditioner
We estimate that on average, a full sun, low wind pool needs a net heating capacity of
about 650 BTU per day, per sq. ft. of surface area. A typical 16 x 32 pool (512
sq. ft.) will need about 332,800 BTU per day of heating
capacity. A little more, if in a windy or shady location.
A heat recovery pool heater can deliver about 15,000
BTU per hour into the pool per ton of AC capacity.
Therefore an average pool would need up to 22 “ton
hours”, meaning a 5 ton AC unit would need to be running for
4.4 hours per day, or a 3 ton AC running for 7.4 hours
per day, and so forth. For extra large pools, or when
using small air conditioners, we can provide a dual
system that will use two AC units together on one pool.
How do you calculate the surface area of a pool?
Rectangle: length x width
Round: radius(1/2
diameter) x radius x 3.14
Oval or Roman: 1/2 length
x 1/2 width x 3.14
Kidney shape: length x width
x 0.75
How do I determine the size or capacity of my AC?
It's not going to be listed on the AC unit. If you don't have the paperwork, you can give us the model number from the outdoor unit and we can look it up for you.
How hot can the FPH make the pool?
The pool temperature can be set and operate up to 94F depending on the AC size, pool size, and operating conditions.
When can the FPH pool heater be used?
The FPH pool heater can be used during the air conditioning season, it will not operate unless the AC is running. It is recommended for use only when the pool is between 62F and 94F.
How is the FPH installed?
There are two parts to the installation. Part one,
connecting the FPH to the air conditioner, must be
done by a licensed HVAC technician, this takes about
5-6 hours. The heat exchanger sits next to or near the outdoor AC/HP unit. The second
part, connecting the FPH to the pool pump, can take
two hours and up, depending on distances and complexity.
The controller generally is located in the pool pump area. The "water side" connections can be completed
by the HVAC technician, a handyman/home owner, or hired
out to a pool company, etc. The water-side components
are standard schedule 40 PVC parts available through
Lowe's or Home Depot.
How do the FPH controls work?
The FPH system includes an automatic programmable thermostatic
controller with a user-defined temperature set point,
it monitors the pool temperature and the operating
state of the AC compressor. When the compressor comes
on and the pool does not need heat, nothing happens
and everything works normally. When the compressor
comes on and the controller sees that the pool needs
heat, heat recovery is engaged and all of the normally
wasted heat goes into the pool until such time as the
pool is above the set point, or until the AC unit goes
off. At that point the system is reset automatically
to normal operation. When the system is in heat recovery
mode, the outdoor condenser fan is off. The FPH system
controller will turn the pool pump on when heat recovery
is engaged regardless of the timer settings, it releases
the pump back to control by the normal pump timer when
heat recovery is disengaged. Control hysteresis of
2F keeps the system from cycling.
Can I also connect it to my Hot Tub/Spa?
No, not really. If you are an engineer and need a titanium desuperheater give us a call. Otherwise, we do not support Spas.
Will it work with above-ground pools?
Yes, both above-ground and in-ground pool installations are supported.
Does the FPH work with salt pools?
Yes. Actually the end-result pool chemistry of a normal "salt" pool is the same
as a chlorine pool, it is just arrived at differently. With a salt pool you are using salt and the process of electrolysis to create hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite, which are the same chemicals produced by the breakdown of chlorine tablets. If your system uses actual salt water, that's OK too - titanium heat exchangers are perfect for salt pools or ocean water pools.
What if my AC unit is far away from the pool pump
The heat exchanger always installs next to the AC unit. The distances allowed really depends on the horsepower of your pool pump with PVC runs up to 300 ft. supported when the pump is large enough. We can help calculate the pump size needed if you are in doubt. If our standard system
won't work at your distance, you could consider a pump upgrade or we can provide our L-model
flow) heat exchanger which will work in nearly every
What kind of pumps can be used?
We recommend a single speed pool pump of sufficient size for your pool, or a 2/3 speed pump that can be set at the correct speed, and large enough to handle the pumping distances. We can calculate this with your information. VSD (Variable Speed Drive) pool pumps can also be used, as FPH can connect to all major brands of variable speed pumps and controllers, first we need the model number of the pump and controller to specify the connection, in some cases 1 or 2 installer-supplied relays will be needed. Note that a VSD pump saves energy for people who do not use pool heaters, but when using a pool heater (ours or any other type like gas, heat pump, or solar) the extra cost of a VSD pool pump is often wasted.
Can I use a Heat Recovery
Pool Heater and a Heat Recovery Water Heater on
the same AC unit?
Yes, it is normal to do this when there is sufficient
capacity. It will depend on your AC unit size, size of
the pool etc. Our tech support staff can calculate it
for you.
What if I replace my AC or heat pump unit, can the FPH system be transferred to the new unit?
Yes, as long as the new unit is the same size (tons) and same type (cooling-only unit or heat pump) and uses the same technology (a single stage or two stage compressor, but not variable speed) then
yes it can be transferred. If moving from R22 to R410, R32, etc. the components will need to be properly flushed according to normal HVAC procedure. The new unit may need a receiver, or a different size receiver, according to the model number and calculation that we can do for you.
My local HVAC guy said that with the newer
scroll and/or high-SEER compressors, the discharge
temps were not high enough to get much useful heating.
It's not possible for that to be correct. For
every ton of capacity, 12,000 BTUs must be absorbed at
the evaporator which means about 15,000 BTUs (including
superheat etc.) must be rejected at the condenser. This
has not changed, and cannot change, regardless of new
vs. old, compressor or refrigerant type, SEER, or whatever.
The FPH is condensing the refrigerant in the pool water,
and 100% of the rejected heat will go into the pool.
Cold is not “created”. Heat is moved. The heat has to
go somewhere. This is basic refrigeration theory and
applies to all systems that use a compressor.
Why is a titanium heat exchanger needed?
Other lesser materials like stainless steel, copper,
or cupronickel will corrode and eventually fail when
exposed to the chlorine levels found in swimming pools.
What other materials are used to make the
FPH heat exchanger?
The FPH titanium heat exchangers are encased in PVC (Polyvinyl
Chloride) which is naturally resistant to chlorine.
Actually PVC is 58% chlorine. All water contact surfaces
are either PVC or titanium. Copper stubs are added to
the ends of the titanium coil (outside of the PVC shell)
at the factory because it is very difficult to braze
copper to titanium in the field.
What is the FPH expected life span and warranty?
The titanium heat exchanger can last 25-30 years or longer and carries a 10
year limited warranty. The valves and control components are made by leading
manufacturers who supply HVAC industry system manufacturers and typically
have a life span equal to that of a new air conditioner, 12-20 years or so,
these parts have either a one or two year limited warranty depending on their
respective OEM warranty. There is no warranty on cosmetic issues that do not
affect performance.
Will my AC manufacturers warranty
automatically be voided if I install heat recovery?
A manufacturer cannot automatically void a warranty
solely because of adding a 3rd party
aftermarket component designed to improve it's performance unless it is specifically disclaimed in their warranty, it’s not even legal to do so.
We are aware of no major manufacturers warranties with such disclaimers. We have seen cases where the local HVAC dealer or distributor may say
something different but this cannot be relied upon. If you have
any question about this, read your warranty or consult the manufacturer of
your system directly and do not rely on 3rd party "local" information. The manufacturer
generally has to prove that any problem was caused by the aftermarket
component or modification, and the burden of proof is on them.
Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2301 et
seq.). We have never had a voided warranty situation
with any of our heat recovery products.
How do you size a heat recovery pool heat system?
The information needed includes the approximate dimensions
(not gallons) of the pool, the capacity
(tons or BTUs) of the cooling system, the size of
your pool pump, and the distance between the pool
pump and your AC unit. We also need to know if it's
a heat pump or normal AC unit. Providing the complete
model number allows us to know the exact size
of unit you have. With this information we can help
you determine if your situation is right for a heat
recovery pool heater, and what size and configuration
is needed.
Why do the number of gallons in the pool
not matter?
A normal paid-energy pool heater is very expensive to operate and most people
only turn it on when they plan to use the pool so the heater must have a high
hourly BTU capacity to be able to heat a cold pool quickly. In the case of
a paid energy pool heater, the gallons matter because it affects how long it
will take to heat a cold pool. Heating a cold pool requires 8.33 BTUs per degree
of temperature rise, per gallon. But the gallons do not affect the rate of
heat loss, which is determined by surface area. Since the FPH system uses free
energy for pool heating it can run every day for free and keep the pool warm
all season. It only has to heat a cold pool when you first turn it on at the
beginning of the AC season. During the season the requirement is only to maintain
temperature, i.e., replace the lost BTUs, so the gallons do not matter. When
you first turn the FPH on in the beginning of the season it may take a couple
days or so, depending on the gallons, to get the pool to the right temperature,
but once the pool is warm the gallons don’t matter as far as replacing lost
heat to keep it warm.
What is the temperature rise of the water through the FPH?
This is variable with the actual flow rate of the pool
pump and is not the right question to ask. For example,
with a high power pump and faster water flow, the
temperature rise would be lower but the BTUs per
hour and average pool temperature would be the same.
Likewise, a slower speed pump will give more temperature
rise, but the BTUs per hour and pool temperature
still remain the same.
How does a heat recovery pool heater compare
to a solar pool heater?
Either system will extend your swimming season and
heat your pool for free. However, some people can't
use solar because of roof orientation, shade problems,
or homeowners association rules. And, some people don't
prefer the
"look" of large black plastic panels on their
roof. Beyond that, solar panels can cause roof problems
and have to be removed and reinstalled when the roof
is repaired or replaced. And, solar pool panels have
a tendency to be damaged or lost in severe wind. The
FPH pool heater works in the rain, and at night. The
final installed cost is usually lower for our AC recovery
pool heaters than it is for solar. Of course, solar
doesn't slash your air conditioning bill by up to 40%
like a heat recovery pool heater can.
Does FPH work in winter (home heating season) with a heat pump?
No, FPH is designed to automatically be off at that time. There is no "waste heat" to be recovered in heating mode, it is used to heat the home. Anyhow using it that way would very quickly use all of the heat from the pool and make it much colder, subjecting it to premature freezing, etc. Note that when outdoor temperatures are not warm enough for AC to be on (around 68F or so) most people will not want to be outdoors in a bathing suit and will not be using an outdoor pool. Customers wanting to use an outdoor pool when it is cold outside may decide to engage a paid-energy pool heating for pool use in such conditions, and it is fine to have both types of pool heating together in the same system.
Do you provide installation?
No, we are system developers and manufacturers of equipment. We do not perform or schedule installations. We will be happy to introduce you to installers that we know of who have installed our products in the past whenever possible. Any experienced and licensed air conditioning service technician should be able to install the FPH. It is the customer’s responsibility to hire a local AC contractor to perform the installation. HotSpot supports installations with a detailed installation guide and expert phone support if needed.
How much does a FPH cost?
The systems vary in cost based on system size, type, model,
and installation requirements, but for nearly all
pools it will be less costly
than installing a paid-energy (gas or electric) pool
heater. And owning the FPH instead
of a paid energy heater will ultimately end up costing
nothing, as it quickly pays for itself in energy cost
savings. See pool heater energy cost comparison. Standard system kits are usually in the $1800 range with heat pump models ~$300 extra. Installation costs vary depending on prevailing rates in your area and system complexity.
What is included?
The system includes the heat recovery valve and solenoid, the pump-out circuit orifice valve, the system controller, the titanium heat exchanger, and sensor package. Not included are two check valves (for AC) or one check valve (for HP) and a small solenoid valve (for AC), and a fan relay, these are commonly available low cost parts. The unit may need a receiver, this will be known only after the volume calculation, if needed this is usually around $200-$300, if needed, we can provide or the installer may provide. We need the outdoor unit model number to calculate if needed or not, size, etc.
What is a receiver?
Some AC/heat pump units have oversized outdoor coils with a larger internal in^3 volume, a receiver is a small reservoir used in the HVAC/refrigeration industry to temporarily hold any unused refrigerant. So if there is an imbalance of internal condenser volumes, a receiver will be specified so that the system pressure will be correct regardless of air cooled (normal) or water cooled (heat recovery) operating mode.
How quickly will it pay for itself?
The payback rate will depend on specifics and what energy source you are comparing it to.
Here are some projected payback comparisons:
VS. a heat pump pool heater: 2-3 years payback.
Vs. propane gas pool heater: 1-2 years payback.
See the details here: HotSpot Pool Heater.
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